Superpowered Night City Console Commands

This is a short guide instructing the method to enable developer console. It allows you to apply cheat codes, ipatch and other stuffs.


First of all, run your Ren’Py game and press Shift+O (It is an O, not zero).

Not working? Alright, that means developer console is disabled for that game.

Enabling the Developer Console of Ren’py Games:

Superpowered Night City Console Commands - multifilesstar. Games SuperPowered is a RPG game made with Ren'py. In the game, you play as Billy, a young man still living with his mom. At the very beginning of the game, Maggie (his mother) buys Billy his first superpower. Enable console: Open Super Poweredrenpycommon00console.rpy Change config.console = False to True Billy: player.willpower=xxx player.Style=### player.interactions=### (Charm) player.alignment=### player.reputation=### (Global Influence) School Rep: school.influence = The Initiative Rep: initiative.influence = Logistics Division: logistics.influence.

Step 1: Download This File

Or, Create a text document called options.rpy and paste below code there and Save.

init -1:
python hide:
config.developer = True

Superpowered Night City Console Commands List

Second line needs 4 spaces before python hide:

Third line needs 8 spaces before config.developer = True*

If you dont know how to create a custom file, head over here: How to create a text document with custom extension in PC.

Step 2: Now you have to place the code in a folder called game inside your Ren’py game. The path should look like this, yourgamename/game/options.rpy

Superpowered Night City Cheat

(if options.rpy already exists, simply rename your options.rpy to whatever name you prefer.)

Enabling the Console Commands on Ren’py Games:

Go to gamename/Renpy/Common/00console.rpy

Press Ctrl+F and enter config.console(Finding this term)

Set it’s variable to True

so it should look like,


config.console = True

Save the file.

Now the Shift+O should work.